2009 was my first year after graduation, after graduated I went to learn make-up. After completion my make-up course I'm mess about untill now, quite waste time huh
I need to get a job on 2010 it for sure!

In 2009 the most saddest thing were happen on me is I need to separate with one of my lovely darling he's my daddy! I'm totally brokenhearted! Although we're no living together now but you're still in my heart forever and ever, no matter how I still loving you to the mix! I love you Daddy! MWAH.
And the happiest thing is I'm in a relationship in this year! Sounds good right? But unfortunately we're long distance, however our relationship are very stable. Tomorrow 1st Jan 2010 is our 8month together
I love you Mr.Sin QL!

Lastly my wishing here,
First to my family DAD, please don't drink too much beer and take care of your own health, wish your business are getting better and better. MOM, although end of the year you're robbed but thats means your bad luck are gone and the good luck are coming on the new year! Don't sad anymore me and brother will beside you all the time! BRO, still the same wish you success your job sooner, I'm waiting those branded bags HAHA!
Second to my Mr.Sin QL, treat me more well and love me more, hope we can accomplish our promise *I mean our one year anniversary plan* you know? I'll love you till next year don't worries :) Remember don't drink too much soda drink you know what will happen again right?MWAH 

Third to myself, I hope I can get a job on next year and it will be my stable job as well. No wasting time anymore I hope I get do it!
Lastly to all my dearest buddy, hope you all are health and safety all the time!!! 

對朋友的心不需要時常都掛在嘴邊, 也不需要時常說討好的話, 只要把他們放在心裡只有你自己知道他對你有多重要就好了.
Happy New Year. Happy 2010!
Say bye bye to 2009 and say hi to 2010!