Sunday, November 28, 2010

A Night Say Bye To Some Of Them.

14th November 2010
A farewell party for me? LOL I don't know but just a simple gathering. Venue at starlight. A best choice to have gathering. Gossip gossip and shisha shisha :p Is so quiet around there and fresh, always has light wind around :)
Didn't manage to take picture with all who were there that night, ish !

Took by the lil blackberry.

Babe chuckei couldn't make it that night, what a pity :(

 With another group, feeling good when take picture with them ! Because we all almost same height ! Yeah !

Click two, pose with V

15th November 2010
Dinner with the babes at Gilly Cafe. We girls love their steamboat slurp ! And I still remember before night, I went to sungei wang in the afternoon. When I parking I was ... sob sob sob sob :'(

The next day last yam cha with the baobei at Coffee House.

And night I said bye bye to KL. I start missing you girls !!!
That night I leaving with tears, angry and disappointed. 

153Lives a live of peace

Thursday, November 25, 2010


13rd November 2010
We've make a promise in a week ago (on my birthday that night ) that today 13rd we must hang out  together is just three of us. Yes is three of us ! Limliza, Chai Liyi and Vivisoong.
Such a long time we didn't hang out is just three of us, the last time was ... 2008 Setemper, if I've no mistake ! I didn't lie to you, I mean just three of us ! Omg, I miss those days :( Okay, don't be sad in this post.

So that day I drove the Neway Cheras. First picture, moi !

The beloved Baobei

And Laopoh, we used to call each other like this. And they called me baobei ;)
Yeap, us !

After our K session, we went to starbucks for chill. The session we won't miss out ! How can we miss our gossip girl session, it's impossible right?
So around 7ish I fetched both of them home. Feeling good that I done my driver job on that day :D
Gonna plan again our next date, I mean just three of us ! Deep love 

153Lives a life of peace

Sunday, November 21, 2010

11112010 , 12112010

Sorry for neglected my blog for 8 days. Here I'm back !

11st November 2010
Thursday night headed to Maison for JD, Ranson and Iko birthday celebration. Not I expect that fun, because a lot of my babes didn't attend the party and there're a lot of guy I don't know -.- thence how can I get fun?
Oh ya, I still remember before the party I went out with limliza, because I need to grab some stuff before going to penang. She's always my great partner ;)

Picture on that night,
Baby Jane and Me

Manman Taan _____________________________ And I meet a long-time-no-see friend, Joann

12nd November 2010
And the next day dating with Joann Goh. Yea we had a promise since last night we met each other :D Have our chilling place at Delicious @ Dua Residency. I can't believe that We were sitting there for 5hour O.o So meet ya again when I back KL :)

Some picture we took.

Night movie with Jd Chang, Evangeline Yan, Manman Taan and William Yuen. A quite weird group LOL
And the Skyline movie not what I expect that awesome but there is not suck to the max that serious tho LOL but so far I saw all the comment for this movie is SUCX ! =/

153Lives a life of peace

Friday, November 12, 2010

Gonna Say GoodBye And Say Hello!

首先我最先要說的是 時間過得真快

我有事情要宣布! ! !
我決定了要搬遷! ! !
我要搬去一個平靜的小島 檳城Penang ☀
媽媽是出國 我是出洲 哈哈

可是一直不能確定時間 可是現在確定了

還有短短的幾天 逗留在我愛的城市KL
我不確定會離開KL多久 不過至少明年就會回來了
我不捨得KL美麗的服飾 哈哈 很爛對吧
習慣了這裡的服飾店 知道哪裡有漂亮的 便宜的
在檳城真的一點不知 慘了 〒▽〒

他告訴我 我以後不在家他會變得很悶 因為沒人陪他談天了
這句話令我好不捨得 ( ╯︿╰ )
希望他有覺得開心 當我在他面前承認我有男朋友
不過你們來檳城要聯絡我就是了 切記! ! !


我知道 當然KL比檳城是更好的選擇
它其實很可愛 真的 o( ^ ▽ ^ )o

更重要的是男朋友在那裡 ❤
因為我們真的完全沒有話題 糟死了 ╥ ﹏ ╥‎‎

我將要放慢腳步 不是慢慢走 而是走得慢一些
檳城生活比較緩慢 我可以多休息一些
當然我去檳城不是白住 我要工作的 !
糟糕 我福建話一點也不 還在學習中 o( ︶ ︿ ︶ )o

這幾天 好好與我大佬和嗲地還有朋友們相處
我想應該不用歡送會吧 而且也應該沒人歡送我吧
因為我只是出洲 哈

再見 來檳城一定要找我 ! 給我發現你偷偷來 不告訴我你就慘死 !
我們很快會在見面 別想念我


153Lives a life of peace

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

29 ❤ 10 ❤ 2010

生日正天 當然是和男朋友單獨約會囖 ❤ 我們到帕維廉去

當天服裝 長裙
其實也沒有很長啦 長度到小腿而已
我在買長裙時 男朋友很喜歡在旁邊唧唧咕咕的 o ( ︶ ︿ ︶ ) o
說我矮 穿長裙不美 ( 〒 ︿ 〒 ) 甚麼的啦 ! 那裡有這個道理 !
所以當天我穿上後 他果然沒有在唧唧咕咕的
哈哈 知道了吧 ╮( ╯ ▽ ╰ )╭ ♪♫

沒有很隆重的晚餐, 只是到了ichiban boshi 那裡的食物好吃又便宜 o( ≧ v ≦ )o  

第一次點這個, 三種不同的蘑菇 它的湯超好喝的 !

晚上看電影 Takers ✔


❤ 今年19歲生日過得簡單而難忘 ! 再次謝謝 ❤

153Lives a life of peace

Monday, November 8, 2010

Last ❤ 1 ❤

我的生日文章終於上傳了 哈哈

標題是Last1 不是因為慶祝最後的生日啦

慶祝地點 Twenty-one Bar
我要求他們不要穿黑色寶貝們都好聽 謝謝



當晚的口紅印 用餐後就沒了

我的最愛 林麗莎和蔡麗儀 ! 麗儀你頭髮好長好長, 不過我喜歡 你越來越漂亮 保持噢 ( ≧ ω ≦ )



蛋糕終於到了 ~ 直接就切蛋糕時間 ! 不好意思大家久等了
是Joan親手做的 可惜的是字體不用紅色不過還是謝謝你

大明星時間到, 閃光燈閃個不停 ╮(╯3╰) ♪♫ *暗爽* 哈

喜歡這張好有feel ( ^ O ^ ) 男朋友偷偷告訴我說 這是他人生第一次麼多部相機對著他 哈哈

我最愛的兩位帥哥 辛慶 宋國耀

女生大合照 ❤

和一對雙胞胎不懂她們的華語名, 梁什麼什麼 Cherrie x Evangeline

勤恩 好好聽的名字 ______________________________________________伊麗莎

伊莎婊麗媽媽 她就是要一直親我 ╮( ╯▽╰ )╭  

吳淑君, 謝謝你的蛋糕 _______________________________________還有林文慧 沒有忘記你們啦 !

陳富來 *第一次聽到就覺得好好笑的名*

戴芬妮 Khoo ____________________________________________________劉娜娜

情侶, 莫健豪和劉雪琪

我現在才發現我沒有和陳佩玲的單獨合照哭殘了 ( 〒 ▽ 〒 )

差不多快要1點 大部分的朋友都離場了 剩下我和幾位帥哥繼續 B)

遊戲時間 ♤♥♦♧

如果你沒來我想我們也不會被逼這麼多杯, 不過還是謝謝你到來 Edwin.

謝謝所有出席的貝兒和巴得 *非常感激* 有你們我才有那麼難忘的生日晚餐 ✳❄✳✶
謝謝所有祝福我的朋友 你們的心意我都收到囖 ( ∩ ▽ ∩ )
還有謝謝你們的禮物 *感激萬分* ❤

不好意思大爆料你們的華語名 我不會那麼自私
生日快樂宋燕琪 嘻 ( ≧ ω ≦ )  
想要觀賞更多的照片 ?

153Lives a life of peace