Saturday, April 25, 2009

Something Happy & Unhappy

Just finish my yam cha session with my mum and bro. Feel like post something here again.

This few week the weather is freaking HOT!
I need to tie up my hair every time when I'm at home. . even open the aircon, still feel hot . .
Rain quickly please~ a heavy downpour! (;

And why today facebook's line so slow huh? I can't log in to play my PetS, Restaurant and Poker!Arghhh . . .
I'm so bored right now!

Good News! Good News!
My baobei liza is coming back on tomorrow, can wait till tomorrow !
many stuff wanna give you (:

Another good news is my hair class will cancel it on tomorrow and sunday *peace*
but it will postpone till 9th,10th May.

Tomorrow going to watch Sniper! (;

I have many feelings need to share. . who should I share it?
I feel very moody sometimes. . . who know?

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