Tuesday, December 28, 2010

❄ White Match With Snow ❄

24th December 2010
Christmas eve, where to go? Apparently club is the only choice for us. So we've our party venue at Mois :) Needless to say, the crowd in that night must be more than usual day. Fortunately I still can breathe well in the club LOL
I was the first time spent my christmas in penang. Although it's simple, but still a little fun tho :)
I still remember last year I was celebrated in KL, and the penang friends went over there as well. The first night at Barsonic, the second night at MOS with Steve Aoki. Okay, let's start the post..

Moi after prepare,

White legging for the christmas party 

Yeah, haha!


Catherine, she looks wild that night!


What expression am I?

Hey, look at my white legging :p

Jason  Moi  Yang  Yunhao

I've no idea who he is  Qiwei


They said we so matching that night, and so behind the girl? LOL

Xin xin xin xin xin xin



So how was your christmas eve?

153Lives a life of peace

Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy Birthday ♥ Caryne Choo ♥

17th December 2010
Headed to Sunset Bistro to celebrate Caryne's 20th birthday! Nothing special things to mention on that night, just a simple yet enjoy celebration for her :) 

I always love sunset bistro so so much 

Her ice-cream cake from baskin robin, it cost 150rm! Not cheap thou  O.O

Happy birthday to you ~ ~ ~ ~ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

Birthday girl with her birthday cake :)

Lee Hoeng x Me x Xin Xin *she asked to cover her face LOL*

Snap snap time with the birthday girl :D

May x Caryne x Moi x Lee Hoeng

Happy birthday once again! ✧ May your wishes come true ✧ xoxo

153Lives a live of peace

Saturday, December 25, 2010


今天是12月25號, 先說聲聖誕快樂 

上個星期二(14122010)我回了家鄉一趟.  其實是沒有打算這麼快回去, 可是因為要打針 所以就必不得已要趕回去囖.
先說說我要打什麼針, 因為實在太多人問我了 我已經重複了好幾百遍 ( >  c  < ) !!
因為今年我去身體檢查時, 醫生的報告說我是什麼AB不夠 是關於我的抵抗力的. 所以醫生說要打三隻針   如果不是會容易患癌 ! 
所以這次回去是打第三隻針. 太好了 ! ! ! 這三隻針花了我450rm *哭慘了*

晚上先去陪嗲地吃晚餐, 然後在和寶貝們吃火鍋 ♥ 說真的 那天晚上我們還是第一次全部女生一起吃火鍋. 可是少了bunny ( ╯︿╰ )   不過你們還是要謝謝我噢 ! 是因為我回來 所以才會就這麼的第一次 *驕傲中 ╮( ╯ 3 ╰ )╭*

第二天 一定少不了誑街 ! 她總是是我最好的伴兒 - 林麗莎 ♥ 那天我們很早就出門了, 因為我要去吃魚頭米  好料 ! ! 

這兩張是在安娜蘇拍的 喜歡喜歡 ~

那天我感覺我好像遊客  這裡拍拍那裡拍拍 ( ≧ ▽ ≦ )v
你看 ! 這張照片就超遊客的  哈哈

pavilion真的好美 ~

這是他們2010年的聖誕裝飾  美美~


誑了誑當然少不了喝茶太  也是八卦時間到 ╮(╯▽╰)╭  
對了對了  現在檳城也有茶太了 ! !  嘻嘻

以下的照片是等待哥 來接我們拍的
我愛我的鞋 ! 買了很久 可是才穿過兩次  可憐

拍拍時間到  我把照片全都改去lomo風格




晚上 我們到她男朋友店隔壁的日本餐廳享用晚餐

我們三個人三張嘴  嘰里呱啦的渡過了這晚上✦✧✩

回去很開心  可是看見他和他感覺很不捨得

她和她很幸福, 他和他一個人


153Lives a life of peace